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How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

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Men are known to forget some things, even if they know that it is essential not to. Good examples of these kinds of things are very important anniversaries, birthdays of his wife's parents, or anything related to time why you ended up being married, for example, the first kiss (time and place) the first walk under the stars, first meal I cooked first (second and tenth) holiday together and a lot more of those moments related to the first, second, seventh, etc. nothing. I must warn you, with Russian ladies seeking marriage abroad is not easy. At some point in life that you also want to remember the names of all the leaders of the USSR, while important in the development of Russian democracy events, known poets, folk singers and other crazy stuff. This article is a little cheat sheet in Russian holiday that should at least know a little if you are interested in Russian women for marriage. 

Complexities of the New Year and Christmas 

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

First, you should know that many Christmas traditions are actually what the Russian people associated with the new year. For example, the New Year is the time when children are waiting call Dead Moritz (Russian Santa Claus) to leave presents under the New Year Tree. Yes, we call tree New Year! As for Christmas - is celebrated according to the Orthodox Christian tradition, January 7 and to a much more modest than in Western countries. The only person in the family who benefits greatly from these complexities is our son, who knows he will receive gifts both American and Russian Santa. Yes, the old man finally comes all the way in North America! I think it is important for all the husbands of Russian women do not forget the holidays than their wives were so used to before they decided to start a life in another country. Russian ladies who are married to Americans learn to cook the turkey for Thanksgiving, use a traditional, opposite, ugly sweater December 24 and become a witch or a cat-woman on Halloween; Now it's your turn to pay, because even love here still do not want to forget where they came from. So, do not remove the Christmas tree, two days after 25 as they do in the malls, I killing mood New Year, wait a week or two for the holidays procedure. 

March 8 

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

If you have plans for the election of his future wife among Russian brides, it is not a holiday I should know. This is the International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8. This is the day to rent their mothers and grandmothers and give gifts to the girls at school. The flowers are a must. So if you want to surprise your Russian wife date, make sure it is completely free of all the household chores and has beautiful fresh flowers waiting for their first morning - at least that's how to celebrate in Russia. Come out and enjoy a nice dinner. Be totally make your day! 

May 9 

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

This date is something that everyone knows in Russia and immense pride. It is the day of the Great Victory in World War II, celebrated with parades across the country and the people who wear black and orange ribbons. Every Russian lady knows at least two songs Patriotic War. This is the day to remember our grandfathers who destroyed the Nazi regime. However, when I spoke of this historic moment for our son, he said something and I confused that the war was actually won by the United States. Even if it is true, be sure never think of his Russian wife! 


How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

The party seems to be very Russian, because it is common to wear national clothes to celebrate. Women wear colorful dresses (traditional dress) and Kiyoshi (National hairstyle women) and cook many Lindy (pancakes). Although this holiday has pagan origins - "burn" the winter and spring greeting - it's the last week before Lent. Therefore, if you intend to fast and enjoy as much as you can in blain that are round and yellow as the spring sunshine. All the ladies in Russia how Lindy, older women even have their own secret recipes that do not like to share. 

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

How To Holidays Russian Ladies Miss Abroad

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